Bringing the First Fruits

The pencils are sharpened, the curriculum has arrived, and the plastic supply box still has that new-Crayola smell.  Everyone is excited, the menu and chore chart have not yet fallen off the rails, and school is about to begin!  Did you remember to bring your first fruits? In the Old Testament, the Jews were commanded …

The God of All Comfort

It seems such a pity that most of modern-day humanity knows King David best for his sin with Bathsheba, mostly from a blasphemous Leonard Cohen song, unaware that the Bible describes David as “a man after God’s own heart.” What I love about David is his raw honesty. We read it in the Psalms– a …

Dealing with Disappointment

Ah, January!  Such an interesting month.  To me, there is always something inherently depressing about the beginning of a new year. After all of the Christmas excitement has died down, January comes as sort of an adrenaline let-down.  It is cold and dark.  It is a time to reflect on what didn’t go well last …

Creating Rest And Cultivating Worship, Part 1

Comedian Tim Hawkins has said, “Whoever wrote the song ‘Easy Like Sunday Morning’ never took kids to church.”  I think that a lot of us have experienced what I would call a typical hectic Sunday morning.  Some of my personal challenges have included oversleeping an alarm, an ill-timed diaper change, fighting bad attitudes or having …

Hello and welcome!

Dear Sisters-In-The-Lord, Hello and welcome to Teachers of Good Things! Teachers of Good Things is a virtual place of encouragement for those women who are striving to live a life that would please their Savior. The best thank you that we could ever give to our beloved Jesus is a life well-lived, set apart in …